Last update: February 22,  2025 

Bayonets for sale

English M 1855 Sappers & Miners bayonet, second model, by S&K.(ABCN 1945)(K 489)(JN 49-4)

EN294 EXC++ R2-3
€ 425,00

English M 1855 oval bore Lancaster carbine and modified Snider carbine. Second model. Serial number: 28 on blade tang. Superb long bright finished pipe back blade with the trademark of the German maker: S&K (= Schnitzler & Kirschbaum-Solingen) a date: '03, and a Birmingham repair mark: Crown over BR over C8, on the ricasso. The reverse side is marked: /I\, X, and a Solingen inspection marking: Crown over S over 14. Blade spine is marked: Crown over B 7 and R. Excellent brass pommel.  Pommel with short mortise and T-slot. Excellent external spring fixed with a screw bolt (=Second type). Blade tang is marked with two different Birmingham repair markings: Crown over BR over 26, Crown over BR over 35 and a serial number: 28. Excellent  black checkered leather grips, fixed by tree steel rivets,  Excellent brass crossguard with muzzle ring with cock comb. MRD 20.2 mm. and a straight quillon with final. 

The by Charles Lancaster of London develloped and Birmingham produced unique oval bored carbine and its bayonet was adopted by the corps "Sappers and Miners" in 1855. The bayonet is often called so. In 1857 the corps name Sappers and Miners was changed into The Royal Engineers and the bayonet was called: "Lancaster bayonet" .There were only approx. 10.000 Lancaster bayonets ever produced, but many survived.

Beautiful example. Hard to find bayonet in this fantastic condition. No scabbard.

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Edged Weapons
Cees N.J. van den Assem
7131 BB Lichtenvoorde
+ 31 (0)6 2902 8894

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