Dutch Cavalry officers sword M 1854 by Wm. Pauwels & Zn.- 's Hage. EYZERHOUWER.(JP 79-119)
'Nederlands Cavalerie M 1854 Officierssabel" / Dutch M 1854 Cavalry Officer's sword. Excellent+ curved fullered bright finished blade with Dutch trader's name and residence: Wm. PAUWELS & Zn. over 'te s Hage (= Willem Pauwels and Son, Westeinde 317 The Hague. 1814-1874), in a scroll on the blade side and EYZERHOUWER (old style) faint in a scrol on the reverse side. A small makers mark in an oval on the ricasso.
Very good bright metal two bar hilt with hand guard. An intact black leather vinger loop, secured to the hilt by a screw. Excellent wooden grip covered by gray ray skin.
Excellent early type bright finished steel scabbard with two loose hanging rings. User spurs only, but no serieus dents and a small repair near the top only.
Total length 101 cm. Width at the ricasso 2.7 cm.
This is a M 1854. The finger loop was added around 1854 and after 1859 the two loose hanging rings of the scabbard were replaced by a single fixed (saddle) ring. So, this particular sword was made before 1859.
Very nice example!