Dutch Municipal Police constable Klewang (Cutlass)No.2 by E.&F. Horster-Solingen (JP Page 232-123)
Nederlands gemeente politie sabel. No.2 / Dutch Municipal Police constable klewang (Cutlass) No.2. Serial number: G 38 on the front of the hilt. Superb bright finished fullered steel klewang blade with the German makers trademark an H H S monogram, pierced by a vertical sword, point downwards (= Waffenfabrik E.&F. Hörster - Solingen, trade mark registered in 1914) on the ricasso. Intact black leather washer. Wide open bright polished steel hilt and hand guard with a backpiece. Non detachable hilt. Excellent ribbed wooden grip, ( 13 ribs) covered with grey ray skin and an intact and complex Berlin silver wire winding. Spit in the top of the hand guard for a sword knot.
Excellent tooled black leather scabbard with all stitches intact. Plated fittings with no dents. Top mount with a single loose hanging ring and a round frog stud. Chape with finial. Leather body is marked: G 32
Total length: 76 cm. Width at the ricasso: 3.4 cm.
Beautiful early example of a Municipal Police constable klewang. Made around 1920