Dutch Cavalry Officer's sword M 1876. EISENHAUER marked. (JP Page 89-145)
"Nederlands Cavalerie Officierssabel M 1876. Lange sabel No.2./ Dutch Cavalry officers sword M 1876. No.2. Excellent+ curved bright finished fullered heavy blade. Intact leather washer. The Dutch proof mark is written in a very early Dutch language way: EISENHAUER (and not the later word: Yzerhouwer! ) on the ricasso. Excellent+ bright finished steel hilt (not plated!) and a large steel hand guard with knuckle bow, three side bars and a forward swept quillon.
Excellent wooden grip, covered with ray skin and a twisted silver wire winding. The wire winding is not complete.
Excellent+ bright finished steel scabbard with a single loose hanging ring only. No dents.
The sword comes with a correct Senior NCO sword knot as found.
Total length: 99 cm. Width at the ricasso: 3 cm!.
This heavy Dutch M 1876 cavalry officers sword was made after 1888. After 1888 the second loose hanging ring was officially removed.