Last update: March 17,  2025 

Bajonetten te koop

Austrian made German M 1884/98 bayonet, Third model, WWII by BYM 4 (ABCN455)(K143)(JN100-1)

€ 400,00

Mauser  K98k. Serial number: 2953 over F on ricasso. Excellent parkerized fullered blade with the Austrian makers trademark: ByM (= Machinenhaus Ferlach -Austria )on the ricasso and only dated with a singleon the blade spine. Excellent blued pommel and crossguard. Flash guard with no dents. A single  Waffenambt marking on the pommel. Excellent ribbed dark brown bakelite grips secured to the tang by two screw bolts.
Excellent not matching blued scabbard, marked: 41 ddl and serial number: 4606 over A and ferulle with a Waffenambt stamp. 

Rare maker. Between 1939 and 1944 only 130.000 bayonets were made by Machinenhaus Ferlach in Austria. The only M 84/98 bayonet produced outside Germany.
Machinehaus Ferlach changed their way of numbering late 1944. Only a 4 for 1944 on the blade spine and not longer two serial numbers on the ricasso, but a German style block system: a serial number followed by a prefix. The serial number followed by a F is the last known complete production, making this a very rare bayonet!

New addition. Pictures will follow soon.


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Edged Weapons
Cees N.J. van den Assem
7131 BB Lichtenvoorde
+ 31 (0)6 2902 8894

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