German (Prussian) Infantry Officers Degen (IOD) M 1819 a.A. by P.D.L. Early model.
"German ( Prussian) Infantry Officers Degen. IOD M 1819 a.A. (a.A.= alter Art= Old model) Excellent long straight bright fullered single edged blade with fuller running to the tip. German makers mark: P D L (Paul D. LÜNENSCHLOSS-Solingen ) on the ricasso. Etchings on both sides and the blade spine are showing floral motives, currasses, helmets, guns, swords and flags. Red felt washer. Beautiful short brass handle with a large urn shaped pommel. Non-folding hand guard with a quillon with a crown shaped final. Perfect wooden grip covered with a fine twisted silver wire winding.
Excellent black leather scabbard with clear tooling and brass mounts. Chape without a drag and top mount with long brass frog stud. All stitches intact and no dents to te fittings.
These swords were carried by Infantry officers but also by high rank officers of the Railway, the Mail and other non-military organisations.
A folding guard was introduced in 1882-83, so this example is an early model and made before 1882
This model was replaced by the Prussian Infantry Degen IOD M 1889 n.A. (n.A.= neuer Art= New model) but was still carried during WWI
Beautiful sword!
Total length 92 cm width at the ricasso 1,5 cm. Length of the hilt: 13 cm.