Finnish M 1928-30 Sk.Y bayonet, Civil Guard by HACKMAN & Co. with burled birch grips(ABCN531-2)((K165)(JN64-4)
Mosin Nagant M 1927, 28 SK,28-30 SK, M39. No serial number. Minty bright finished convex blade with maker's name; HACKMAN & Co. on the ricasso and the civil guard marking: Sk.Y.(= Suojeluskunta yteiseskunda = Civil Guard-General Staff) ) Minty bright finished pommel and crossguard with muzzle ring and quillon. Crossguard is marked =S= (= Civil (Home) Guard inspector marking), MRD 16.0 mm. Oil hole in pommel. Blued catch. Beautiful and rare burled birch wood grips screwed to the tang with two large metal screw bolts.
Minty blued smooth steel scabbard with a round frog stud and no dents.
Comes with its rare minty genuine olive green leather frog with a mock grained surface stitched and secured by 6 domed plated rivets. (Ref: AC231)
Finnish M 1928/30/SK Civil (Home) Guard bayonets were made both by Hackmann & Co and Fiskars. Hackmann made ca. 2/3 and Fiscars ca. 1/3 of the total production
Beautiful example!