Last update: March 17,  2025 

Bajonetten te koop

English M 1907 bayonet by Wilkinson. Second model. Unit marked to the Scottish 1st. Battalion Seaforth Highlanders (ABCN 1024)(K318)

EN323 EXC R2+
€ 275,00

British Lee Enfield (SMLE) No.7 rifle. Second model. Excellent bright finished fullered blade. A few area's with some light pitting to the blade spine only. Ricasso is crisp marked: Crown over G.R. over 1907 and date 10 - ('1)8 and with the English makers name: WILKINSON.  Two Enfield inspection marks on reverse side of the ricasso and a /I\ and X. Very good walnut grips secured to the blade tang by to screw bolts. Left grip with Enfield inspection stamp. Excellent pommel and crossguard with muzzle ring MRD 15.4 mm. Oil hole in pommel. Pommel is marked to a Scottish unit: 1 SEA over 829 (=1st Battalion Seaforth Highlanders, weapon number 829)
Excellent black leather scabbard with blued top mount and chape. Oval frog stud.
Comes with its Excellent English P 1937 No.5 khaki frog with retaining strap and eyelet in upper loop. Stamped on the reverse side: CN/AA.0996 and date. (Makers name and date hard to read.)(AC171)

1st Battalion Seaforth Highlanders, short history in WWI.
August 1914 : in Agra, India. Part of the Dehra Dun Brigade in Meerut Division.
21 September 1914 : moved to France, landing at Marseilles on 12 October 1914. It saw action at the battle of Aubers Ridge in May 1915
December 1915 : moved to Mesopotamia, landing at Basra late in the month. Formation was by now renamed 21st Brigade, 7th Indian Division.
4 February 1916 : owing to heavy casualties, formed the Highland Battalion with 2nd Bn, the Black Watch.
12 July 1916 : resumed former title.
January 1918 : moved to Palestine, arriving Suez 13 January 1918.

Second World WarThe 1st Battalion, which was stationed in Shanghai when war broke out, was deployed to Malaya in November 1940, and then to India. It joined the 1st Indian Brigade in the 23rd Indian Division in May 1942, and served in the Burma Campaign until 1945.



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