Last update: March 11,  2025 

Swords for sale

Dutch Marine M 1818 No.2 boarding sword frog only.

€ 175,00

Leather frog for a Dutch Marine M 1818 No.2 boarding sword. Excellent + well riveted black leather frog made from think flexible leather. The front loop with an oval stud opening, is riveted to the body by 8 brass rivets and washers. The loop it selves is riveted by 3 brass rivets and washers.. 
Height: 24,5 cm.  Width measured at the upper side of the loop: 8 cm. The opening of the throat is 5.0 cm. by 2.0 cm. 

Very well made strong Extremely rare Marine frog. No markings.
See last picture for seeing the frog used with the sword.

Customer Info

We are a mail order service but we also do have a showroom. Visits by appointment only.

For a visit request, please send us an e-mail. We speak Dutch, German and English.

No problem if you prefer to order by e-mail, but please send us your full address details!

Contact Info

Edged Weapons
Cees N.J. van den Assem
7131 BB Lichtenvoorde
+ 31 (0)6 2902 8894

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