Last update: March 28,  2025 


French Infantry M1915 Infantry Adrian Helmet with brass commemorative visor plate

HFR24 VGC R2-3

French Infantry WWI Adrian M 1915 helmet  Untouched horizon blue 3- piece helmet with age spurs, some surface rust but no dents. First model Infantry Flaming bomb badge with RF (=Republique Francaise). Good fragile brown leather liner and brown leather chin strap. This one comes with an original brass commemorative brass visor plate attached with rivets to the front of the helmet. Soldat de la Grande Guerre and 1914-1918 (= A soldier of the Great War 1914- 1918) in two lines in an oval.

After the Great War the soldiers were allowed to keep their helmets. These brass visor plates were hand out to veterans after the Great war in 1919 to be affixed to their helmets and showed during parades. Many did not do that.
These are pretty scarce!  

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