Finnish M 1935 bayonet by HACKMANN & Co. Army model. (ABCN531-5)(K163)(JN64-2)
Mosin Nagant M 1927, 28 SK, 28-30 SK, M39. Serial number 839 on blade tang. Army model. Excellent+ blued concave blade with Finnish maker's name; HACKMAN & Co. on ricasso. Oil hole in pommel. Light blued pommel and crossguard with muzzle ring. MRD 16.7 mm. Blued catch and release button. Excellent wooden grips fixed to the blade tang by screw bolts. Muzzle ring MRD 16.7 mm.
Excellent blued fluted steel scabbard with no dents.
The majority of the Finnish M 1935 Infantry bayonet was made by FISKARS. A small number only was made by HACKMAN & Co. making this a scarce bayonet.