Last update: March 27,  2025 

Bayonets for sale

English M1913 bayonet by Winchester USA. (ABCN1039-3)(K 321)(JN 223-1)

EN344 near MINT R2+
€ 335,00

Lee Enfield M1914/US M17. Excellent++ grey parkerized fullered blade marked: 1913 over date 3 -17 over US makers trademark: W (=Winchester) crisp on the ricasso. On the reverse side two American controle markings : Crown over W8 over A and Crown over 16 over A. There is a bend test mark: X  Excellent parkerized pommel with no oil hole and crossguard with muzzle ring MRD 15,5 mm.
Excellent++ walnut wooden grips with two nuts.The right grip is marked in big digits:  38
Excellent and correct US made London brown leather scabbard with all stitches intact. Oval frog stud on top mount  with three rivets and no dents. Both fittings are marked with a J in a Diamant chape (= JEWELL USA) Leather body marked W Crown over 19 over A, /I\ and  is dated: 1917 and another big J in a Diamant chape stamp
It comes with its Excellent and correct brown leather WWII Home Guard frog as found stamped on the reverse side with British makers name and date: C. W. C. Ltd over Newcastle over  1941 /I\, /I\

Excellent+  US made British used set!.
This bayonet was a part of the English WWI rifle and bayonet contract. It was made by Remington and Winchester. Remington produced 1.243.000 bayonets. Winchester 225.000 only! This one was delivered and used by British Home Guard troops during WWII. 

Very nice near MINT example!

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Contact Info

Edged Weapons
Cees N.J. van den Assem
7131 BB Lichtenvoorde
+ 31 (0)6 2902 8894

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