Last update: March 27,  2025 

Bayonets for sale

Greece M 1952 Garand bayonet ( ABC N 354-2 ) (JN 0)(K 0)

GR8 - EXC R2/3
€ 155,00

Garand M1 rifle, Typical Greek serial number Π 4760 on crossguard. Very good parkerized fullered blade with EN S and E_-Grenate- US in two lines on ricasso. Blued pommel and crossguard with muzzle ring MRD 15,8 mm. and typical Greek serial number. Excellent black ripped plastic grips secured by a single screw to the tang. Very good green fiber scabbard with an unusual long green painted metal chape and top mount with belt hooks marked E US.
This bayonet was used by the Greek Evzoni elite light infantry and mountain units and not issued to Guantemala as stated by some authors.
Not a very common bayonet!

Customer Info

We are a mail order service but we also do have a showroom. Visits by appointment only.

For a visit request, please send us an e-mail. We speak Dutch, German and English.

No problem if you prefer to order by e-mail, but please send us your full address details!

Contact Info

Edged Weapons
Cees N.J. van den Assem
7131 BB Lichtenvoorde
+ 31 (0)6 2902 8894

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