English No.7 MkI bayonet, red gripped by Elkington Ltd & Co. (ABCN189)(K44)(JN62-3)
British .303 Enfield no4 rifle, MP Sten Mk V. Serial number: 179477 on the left side of the pommel and 38 on the right side. Excellent+ bright finished fullered Bowie style blade with first cm blackened and crisp No7. MK1/L on the ricasso and /I\ over M78 (= dispersal code of Elkington: M78) faint on the reverse side.
Excellent parkerized swivel pommel and crossguard with muzzle ring. MRD 22,5 mm. A Broad arrow /I\ on locking system. Minty red Paxolin (Tufnel) grips.
Excellent+ No.5 MK I blackened scabbard. Non dents.
Comes with a Minty English P 1937 No.6 khaki webbing frog with no retaining strap and an un-stitched eyelet in the single front loop. Stamped on the reverse side; CN 997 /I\ and an illeglible makers name and date PARKER...???. (Ref. Anthony Carter 172)
Excellent genuine example.
Excellent No.7 MkI bayonet by a scarce maker. Elkington & co Ltd. of Birmingham only made 20.000 No.7 bayonets.!
The No.7 MK1 bayonet was Introduced in 1946 and later issued to the Guard Regiments and used during parades.