English M 1888 MKI Lee Metford bayonet, second type by WILKINSON-LONDON. (ABCN561)(K175)(JN55-2)
British Lee Metford M 1888 rifle. Serial number : 1007. on the pommel. Excellent+ bright finished double edged blade. The ricasso is marked; Crown over VR, 4 '94 and with two more issue dates: /95 and '99 and two Birmingham inspection marking; Crown over B over 41. British makers name WILKINSON - LONDON crisp on the ricasso. The reverse side is marked /I\ over WD and X plus an inspection mark: Crown over 35 oiver W. Excellent bright finished pommel and crossguard. MRD 16,5 mm. Excellent wooden grips fixed with two brass rivets. Both grips are marked: Crown over 49 over W. Oil hole in grip.
Excellent+ black leather MK1. scabbard with bright finished Enfield marked fittings. All stitches intact and no dents to the fittings. Throat is numbered: 447. Leather body is marked: /|\ over EFD, Crown over 70 over E, and dated '98.