Austrian made German M 1884/98 bayonet, Third model, WWII by BYM 44 F block. (ABCN455)(K143)(JN100-1)
Mauser K98k. Serial number: 2953 over F on ricasso. Excellent parkerized fullered blade with the Austrian makers trademark: ByM (= Machinenhaus Ferlach -Austria )on the ricasso and only dated, but correct, with a single 4 on the blade spine. Excellent blued pommel and crossguard. Pommel shows some spots with fine peppering only. Flash guard with no dents. A single Waffenambt marking on the pommel. Excellent ribbed dark brown bakelite grips secured to the tang by two screw bolts.
Excellent blued not serial number matching scabbard, but marked: ByM over a tiny single 4 and serial number: 1062 over A and final with a Waffenambt stamp.
Between 1939 and 1944 only 130.000 bayonets were made by Machinenhaus Ferlach in Austria.
Machinehaus Ferlach changed their way of numbering late 1944. Not longer the unusual Austrian system two serial numbers on the ricasso, but the German style block system: a single serial number followed by a prefix. The serial number on this example is 2953 followed by a F. The F block is the last known complete production run of ByM in 1944.
In 1944 they also marked the blade spine and the scabbard with a 4 only as on this example.
Very rare example from a very rare maker!