Argentine M 1909 bayonet. (ABCN906-1)(K286)(JN2)
Argentine Mauser M 1909 rifle. Serial number: B 4496 on the ricasso.
Excellent + long bright fullered blade with very crisp German maker's name WEYERSBERG-KIRSCHBAUM & Co -SOLINGEN in three lines on the ricasso. Argentine crest filed out leaving only Modelo Argentino 1909 and the serial number on the ricasso. A (= Argentina) on blade spine. Excellent bright pommel with TO slot. Pommel is marked RA in an oval. Crossguard with guillon and muzzle ring MRD 15.5 mm. Crossguard is marked P and C marking facing the blade. Beautiful wooden grips secured to the blade tang by rivets. Oil hole in grips.
No scabbard.
These bayonets were made between 1909 and 1912. Some 170.000 were made.
Argentine sold obsolete M 1909 bayonets with a filed out Argentine Crest to countries like Spain, Bolivia, Peru, Equador, Columbia and El Salvador.